Kevin Lips

1996-2000 University of Iowa, Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honors

2000 Recipient of the Stanley Grant for Undergraduate Research

W.V.U Summer Program in China - the study of Chinese ceramics in multiple archaeological sites, universities and studios.

2000-2001 Travel and research in S.E. Asia. (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Burma)

Visits to traditional pottery centers and wood fired kilns as well as museum institutions

Worked in Umdang Studios, Dankwean, Thailand.- The study of carved relief murals in clay and traditional throwing and wood firing techniques.

2001-2002  Apprentice to Uwe Loellmann, wood fired ceramic artist. Hilzingen, Germany.

2002-2004 Worked in the studio of Bunny McBride, Iowa City, Iowa U.S.A.

2004-2005 Assistant to Herve' Rousseau, wood fired ceramic artist. Atelier Boisbelle. Henrichemont, France.

2005-2008 Living and working half years in La Borne, France. Continuing the collaboration with Herve' Rousseau and concentrating on a body of sculptural ceramics in own studio.

2007 Invited young artist "Journees de la Ceramique" Place St. Sulpice, Paris, France.

-Invited artist "La Borne s'enflamme" woodfired ceramic symposium. Centre Creation Ceramique La Borne,France.      


2004 "Artists of the working class" The Missing Piece Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa. U.S.A.

- "KEEP THE FUZZ OFF MY BUZZ" traveling social sculpture

2005 "Recent Work" Atelier Boisbelle, Henrichemont, France.

2007 Journees de la Ceramique. Place St. Sulpice, Paris, France. "La Borne s'enflamme" Centre Creation Ceramique La Borne, France.